Ethereum News, World News, Highlights of ACDE Call 166, Tech Articles, Podcasts, Tech Explainers, ELI5 Explainers, Client Upgrades, Events & Jobs

Ethereum News

World News

Highlights of Ethereum Devs Call

  • Agenda: Execution Layer Meeting 172 · Issue #879 · ethereum/pm · GitHub
  • In the latest update on the ACDE (All Core Devs Ethereum) meeting, the Devnet 9 testing phase is progressing well. They have encountered bad blocks and are actively testing the MEV (Miner Extractable Value) pipeline. Some clients are also addressing and fixing issues found on the network. The primary question under consideration is whether builder blocks can include blob transactions.
  • The Devnet 10 launch is planned for the upcoming week, but certain criteria must be met before that. These criteria include the finalization of the KZG setup in CL (CasperLabs) specifications and across various clients. Additionally, network stability needs to be ensured, the MEV pipeline's functionality must be confirmed, and improvements in the tooling for handling blobs are ongoing. Dencun will be activated shortly after the network's genesis to stress test the deposit queue and trigger the churn limit. If all goes well, they will start considering scheduling Goerli.
  • One concern raised by the Geth team relates to the bandwidth requirements for transmitting blob transactions on the EL (Ethereum Layer) network, and further discussions on this topic are planned for the next testing call on Monday.
  • The rest of the call was dedicated to discussing the EOF (Ethereum Object Format) update and its potential impact on Layer 2 solutions, as well as whether it should take precedence over the Verkle proposal for Prague. While no decisions were made, this is an issue that will require more attention in the coming month as work on the Cancun upgrade progresses.
  • Watch here.

Tech Articles

Vitalik Buterin Proposes Innovative Changes to Ethereum’s Staking Ecosystem
Ethereum - Vitalik Buterin - Staking ecosystem - Transformative shift - Proof-of-stake - Centralization risks - Consensus layer burden - Two-tiered staking - Delegate selection - Active participation - Scalability - Decentralization

Polygon zkEVM Achieves Milestone with Dragon Fruit Upgrade
In a historic move for Ethereum's Layer 2 solutions, Polygon zkEVM has unleashed its 'Dragon Fruit' upgrade on Mainnet Beta, pioneering support for the latest EVM opcode PUSH0. This marks a significant stride toward blockchain innovation and scaling.

Optimism Network's Fault-Proof Testnet Advances Decentralization Goals
OP Labs, creators of the Optimism network, have introduced a fault-proof system in their testnet, enhancing decentralization and security in their OP Stack networks. This modular system allows customization of fraud-proof mechanisms, potentially including zero-knowledge proofs, contributing to a more diverse and secure Optimism Superchain ecosystem.

Why Ethereum Clients prefer SSZ over RLP?
After The Merge, Ethereum uses two serialization formats for its two underlined layers. Execution clients use RLP, whereas Consensus clients use SSZ for data storage and transmitting.

Transient Storage for Beginners
EIP-1153: Need, Effects, Pros & Cons, Future Plans


Tech Explainers

Eth Liquid Staking
Staking - Liquid Staking - Benefits - Risks

Reth: Ethereum Execution Layer Client Written in Rust
Why new client, Goals, Reth Book, Launch Date & Akula

ETH Withdrawals: Everything You Need to Know
Validators, Ethereum's Validator Lifecycle, Types of Withdrawals, EIP-4895, How to make your Validator ready for Withdrawal?, EIP-4736 & Shapella Mainnet

The Future of Ethereum Goerli Testnet
What is Goerli Testnet?, Why Developers like Goerli?, Goerl Shapella, Future of Goerli Testnet & Holesky Testnet

How to Become Validator for Ethereum Blockchain?
Staking, Setup Node, Roles & Responsibilities

ELI5 Explainers

We have tried to explain common Ethereum blockchain concepts in under 60 seconds.

  1. What is an Ethereum Account?
  2. Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) Vs Contract Accounts
  3. What is an Ethereum Transaction?
  4. Ethereum Transaction Lifecycle
  5. What is Ethereum Validator?

Readers can follow more short videos here.

Client Updates

Execution Layer:

Consensus Layer:

