Ethereum 15 November 2023 EIP-5656: MCOPY - An efficient EVM instruction EIP-5656 introduces MCOPY. Addressing gas cost challenges, MCOPY benefits, use cases, and impact, presenting a promising upgrade for Ethereum's ecosystem.
Ethereum 13 November 2023 EIP-4844 Explored: The Future of Shard Blob Transactions in Ethereum What are blobs? Working of Blobs to support Layer 2 projects. EIP4844 deep dive, key features and other use case.
Video 13 July 2023 Web3Today #58 -> Ethereum Remix’s - Q2 -> EF Research AMA: 10th Edition -> Uniswap & it’s Optimisum for the EIP-1153 -&
EIP 24 June 2023 EIP Repository Faces Impending Division: A Split on the Horizon Problems, Proposed Solution, Benefits, Counterarguments & Conclusion
Ethereum 13 December 2022 Transient Storage for Beginners EIP-1153: Need, Effects, Pros & Cons, Future Plans
Ethereum Bulletin 26 September 2022 Ethereum Bulletin #77 Proposal to add EIP-4758, KZG Ceremony update, 20 validators slashed, Orb- first mobile app built on Lens Protocol, Lighthouse’s low-priority release, Positive GR15 results for Prysm, Besu version 22.7.3 released
CLmeeting 27 August 2022 Highlights of Consensus Layer Call #94 CL call 94 concluded with discussions about the Merge, issues with merge-client releases, MEV-boost and EIP-4844 updates with the developers take on Slashing
Ethereum 5 August 2022 Highlights of the ACD Meeting 144 Updates on Sepolia and Prater, Goerli Shadow Fork 6 , Flashbot’s relay update post merge , Mainnet 5GB DAG size, EIP Process & execution-specs: proposals
Ethereum Bulletin 1 August 2022 Ethereum Bulletin #53 Vitalik: Metaverse ‘Is Going to Happen’ but Meta’s ‘Will Misfire’, EIPs Insight (July 2022), Track progress towards the Goerli merge, Lighthouse release-Galactic Federation President, Scroll-The Architecture Overview, Sith Swap’s Alpha Testnet release