Ethereum Bulletin #95

Vitalik Buterin donates 100 ETH to Tornado Cash developer's defense, Ethereum's new EIP boosts throughput by 50%, Starknet MultiVM bridges Ethereum and CairoVM, and cross-chain cooperation advances.

Ethereum Bulletin #95


Vitalik donates 100 ETH to Roman Storm defense fund

Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum’s co-founder, has donated 100 ETH (around $240,000) to help support Tornado Cash developer Roman Storm's legal defense. This is the third time Buterin has contributed, bringing the total raised for Storm’s defense fund to over 327 ETH (about $785,000). Storm has been facing charges after the U.S. sanctioned Tornado Cash in 2022 for allegedly facilitating money laundering. Storm expressed heartfelt thanks for Buterin’s ongoing support.

"I can't describe how much it means to me. Thank you for your long-lasting support," the Tornado Cash developer told Buterin following the contribution.

Ethereum's new EIP to increase Ethereum's throughput by 50%

EIP7781: By reducing Ethereum's slot time from 12 seconds to 8 seconds, we can lower rollup latency and boost transaction throughput by around 33%, all without increasing the number of blocks or blobs. This approach helps spread out bandwidth usage, which lowers peak demand and keeps the network running efficiently. It’s like raising the blob count from 6 to 8 or the gas limit from 30M to 40M, but without putting extra pressure on peak bandwidth.


Cross-Chain Cooperation in the Ethereum Ecosystem

Optimismhad introduced ICrosschainERC20 interface, which aims to enhance cross-chain neutrality with other Layer 2s (L2s). The ICrosschainERC20 interface is a set of rules that allow tokens to be moved between different blockchains. It lets certain trusted systems create new tokens on one chain or remove them from another, ensuring that the tokens can work smoothly across all chains.

In discussions, some argue that cooperation among L2 players might not be necessary, as newer intent-driven protocols show effective unification without direct collaboration. Vitalik Buterin weighed in, noting that while liquidity provider approaches work for popular ERC20 tokens, we need to standardize at the wallet level. He also mentioned that for rare ERC20s and NFTs, fast native interoperability will be essential down the line.

Starknet's Kakarot MultiVM: Bridging Ethereum and CairoVM

Kakarot Labs is bringing EVM to Starknet. Kakarot(an EVM) built on Cairo, integrated into Starknet to create what's known as a MultiVM environment. This allows developers and users to work seamlessly between the CairoVM and EVM, combining the strengths of both systems.

By leveraging Starknet’s advanced ecosystem features—such as parallel execution and seedless wallets—Kakarot enhances scalability, security, and user experience.Starkware's upcoming fast prover is set to deliver significant improvements to Kakarot’s performance, making it even faster and more efficient. By the end of the year, Kakarot Labs plans to fully integrate this technology, opening the door to greater innovation in decentralized apps (dApps), decentralized finance (DeFi), and more on the Starknet platform.

Arbitrum announuces ArbiLink: A Day of Learning, Building, and Networking with the Arbitrum Ecosystem

ArbiLink, is a great chance to dive into the Arbitrum ecosystem while meeting and building with others in the space.


The day kicks off with registration at 9:00 AM, followed by an intro to Ethereum by blockchain expert Patrick McCorry and an overview of Arbitrum from Takamasa Minami. A panel of local builders will then share how they’re using Ethereum, Arbitrum, and blockchain tech in their businesses. After lunch and networking, there’s a live seminar on Arbitrum’s Stylus feature, plus a hands-on coding workshop led by Patrick.

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Read more about Ethereum in previous Bulletins -Ethereum Bulletin

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