Token name and ticker symbol - FTT
Used blockchain - Ethereum
One line catch phrase - Saving Lives Using Blockchain and AI
Concept description - FarmaTrust uses blockchain to track pharmaceutical drugs from the point of manufacture until the point of consumption by working with unique labeling or smart RFID labeling or similar tags; FarmaTrust is technology neutral, so will work with any legacy system that the SCM participants may use; In certain countries where technology solutions are not available, then FarmaTrust provides smartphone Apps to collect data from customs authorities, logistics providers, pharmacies and hospitals.
How does the project create value to the ecosystem - Pharmaceutical companies buy FTT Holder tokens and use the utility tokens which are created to track products from creation to supply. They may also use these tokens to subscribe to additional services such as automated audit, automated tax compliance, automated payments, rich data analysis and AI to improve supply chain efficiencies and more.
How do you differs from competing projects - Unlike track and trace solutions which only identify when a package goes missing the Zoi (Beta name) system also recognizes and alerts when (time) and where (geographically) an alien (counterfeit) product attempts to infiltrate the supply chain.
What are FarmaTrust TOP 5 Strengths - Save lives globally by eliminating counterfeit drugs; Prevent price spikes through even global distribution of drugs; Provide data dashboards to Ministry of Health, Regulators and Pharmaceutical companies; Use smart contracts to assist in automatic audit and tax compliance
Roadmap info - on farmatrust.io
Country of origin - UK
Website link - farmatrust.io farmatrust.com
Team member names, Twitter and LinkedIn links -
- Raja Sharif
- Peter Bryant
- Lord St John of Bletso
- Shahnawaz Aziz
- Jeffrey Middelbos
- Eszter Bohus
- Dr. Jenny Lee
Token sale start date and time(UTC) - 15th of February
Token sale end date and time (UTC) - 28th of March
Total supply of token, for crowdsale, team e.t.c. - 1Bn tokens in total, 600M in the crowdsale, 100M team allocation, 100M Incentives & Retention, 100M Advisors, 50M marketing, 50M Operational
ICO price of token - Full token price is 0.00010870 ETH
Whitepaper link - farmatrust.io
Company structure (profit / non profit) - Profit
Blog link - https://www.farmatrust.com/blog/
Github code repository -https://github.com/FarmaTrust/crowdfund
BitcoinTalk announcement link -https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2496382.msg
Reddit link - https://www.reddit.com/user/FarmaTrust/
Twitter profile - https://twitter.com/farmatrust?lang=en
Facebook product page - https://www.facebook.com/farmatrustchain/
Linkedin company link - https://www.linkedin.com/company/farmatrust/
Telegram channel or chat room link - t.me/farmatrust
Youtube intro video link - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFX2be4ozw-CnwglVGRmalA/videos
Youtube channel link - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFX2be4ozw-CnwglVGRmalA/videos
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