EOS, a Smart Contract Platform, has recently announced giving a select number of VIP passes to community members that are interested in becoming potential EOS developers and/or ambassador for upcoming events in

If interested, email events@block.one with a little information about yourself and your desire to join EOS.

EOS "token distribution", the token sale that will take place over a one-year period on Ethereum, for the sale of 1 billion tokens to be sold over 341 days has started on June 26, 2017. Block.one wants EOS to be used by large businesses, enabling corporations to automate processes, monitor assets, and create multiple applications.

"EOS aims to be the foundation for business applications in the
blockchain world", Brock Pierce, co-founder of block.one.

EOS founded by Dan Larimer is getting ready to 'Decentralize Everything'. EOS is already being traded on Bitfinex from July 01, 2017 and on CHBTC.com from July 6, 2017.

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